Friday, February 4, 2011

KFC China smashes "Obama" with a giant sandwich....?

What the huh?

via the Blaze
Is KFC threatening Barack Obama with a giant chicken sandwich? I don’t know, but I can say that around the time Chinese President Hu Jintao visited America a few weeks ago, KFC ran a commercial in Hong Kong using an Obama look-a-like (and the “change” phrase) to sell a new chicken sandwich. And it features that look-a-like getting pummeled by said sandwich:

According to KFC parent-company spokesman, the commercial is just supposed to be a commercial, and there’s no hidden message.

“It was meant to be a spoof and no disrespect was intended,” a spokesman for Yum! Brands, which operates KFC said in a statement. “It is no longer airing and will not be re-aired”

According to the New York Daily News, KFC is one of the most popular food chains in China.

But the oddest part may be the company‘s decision to use Obama to hock fast food despite Michelle Obama’s anti-junk-food position. I guess that viewpoint got “lost in translation.”

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